Natalia Rand
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Сен 12, 2023
Сообщение блога, созданное Natalia Rand

Do away with Keto Lunch Once and For All

Although this is a standard coffee shop breakfast item, it doubles as a delicious vegetarian-friendly keto lunch as well. The combination of wilted baby spinach with chunks of tangy feta, fragrant basil, and slightly sweet sun-dried tomato bits make this the perfect breakfast, brunch, or lunch. This is like a sophisticated version of tomato soup and grilled cheese - except without the bread. The outside stays soft due to the texture and water content of the eggplant, but you will get a little…Посмотреть еще
Сен 12, 2023
Natalia Rand теперь участник Древторг Woodtrade
Сен 11, 2023

Блог Natalia Rand

Do away with Keto Lunch Once and For All

Разместил(а) Сентябрь 12, 2023 в 2:09pm 0 Комментарии

Although this is a standard coffee shop breakfast item, it doubles as a delicious vegetarian-friendly keto lunch as well. The combination of wilted baby spinach with chunks of tangy feta, fragrant basil, and slightly sweet sun-dried tomato bits make this the perfect breakfast, brunch, or lunch. This is like a sophisticated version of tomato soup and grilled cheese - except without the bread. The outside stays soft due to the texture and water content of the eggplant, but you will get a…


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