Analysis of the match between Molde vs. HJK Helsinki
Key: Molde has won 8 matches at home recently.
Match Result Prediction:
Statistics show that Molde has won 8 of their last matches at home, won 5 out of their last 6 matches, won 7 out of their last 8 handicap matches, and won 5 out of their last 6 handicap matches at home. On the other hand, HJK Helsinki has not won in 6 out of their last 9 matches in handicap betting and not won in 7 out of their last 9 away matches. Therefore, it is highly likely that the home team at Aker Stadion will secure a victory with a significant margin against HJK Helsinki in this match.
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Goal Prediction:
Statistics show that in 7 out of their last 9 matches, HJK Helsinki has had under 3 goals scored. Therefore, it is quite likely that the match at Aker Stadion will have a maximum of 2 goals scored.
Form Analysis of Molde vs. HJK Helsinki:
Molde has won 7 out of their last 10 matches, and 4 out of their last 5 matches. At home, under the guidance of coach Erling Moe, they have won 8 out of their last 10 matches and 5 out of their last 5 matches. On the other hand, HJK Helsinki has won 6 out of their last 10 matches and 4 out of their last 5 matches. Away from home, under the guidance of coach Toni Koskela, they have not won in 7 out of their last 10 matches and not won in 3 out of their last 5 matches.
Asian Handicap Form Analysis of Molde vs. HJK Helsinki:
Molde has won in 7 out of their last 10 matches in Asian handicap betting, including winning in 4 out of their last 5 matches. At home, under the guidance of coach Erling Moe, they have won in 6 out of their last 10 matches in Asian handicap betting and 4 out of their last 5 matches. On the other hand, HJK Helsinki has not won in 6 out of their last 10 matches in Asian handicap betting, including winning in 3 out of their last 5 matches. Away from home, under the guidance of coach Toni Koskela, they have not won in 7 out of their last 10 matches in Asian handicap betting and not won in 3 out of their last 5 matches.
Over/Under Betting Form Analysis of Molde vs. HJK Helsinki:
In over/under betting, Molde has had under 2.5 goals in 6 out of their last 10 matches and over 2.5 goals in 3 out of their last 5 matches. At home, under the guidance of coach Erling Moe, they have had over 2.5 goals in 5 out of their last 10 matches and under 2.5 goals in 3 out of their last 5 matches. On the other hand, HJK Helsinki has had under 2.5 goals in 6 out of their last 10 matches and under 2.5 goals in 3 out of their last 5 matches. Away from home, under the guidance of coach Toni Koskela, they have had over 2.5 goals in 6 out of their last 10 matches and over 2.5 goals in 4 out of their last 5 matches.
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Stadium: Aker Stadion.
Molde: Karlstrom, Linnes, Tiedemann, Bjornbak, Hagelskjaer, Haugen, Eriksen, Mannsverk, Breivik, Kitolano, Brynhildsen.
Coach: Erling Moe.
HJK Helsinki: Ost, Kouassivi-Benissan, Toivio, Tenho, Raitala, Soiri, Lingman, Kanellopoulos, Tanaka, Radulovic, Keskinen.
Coach: Toni Koskela.
Handicap selection: Molde (-1 1/2).
Over/Under prediction: Under.
Score prediction: 2-0.
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