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Комментарий от: toth sándorné, Август 2, 2011 в 1:18pm

What we would need:

I am interests in first beat -, beech (beech, - Fagus
silvatica) and on a hornbeam, (yoke-elm, blue beech -
Carpinus betulus) firewood stump in a big quantity.
sizes:1 - 2 m
diameter: from 8-10 cm to 30 cm
quality: a thicker stump may come naturally at this
cleaned, healthy, dry-rot, becoming mouldy and  without mildew
Quantity: this year, from 6 to 8.000, - m3 of
wood - 1m x 1m x 1.7 m cubic meters of forest
in 2012 years, the order book and capacity is approx.: 40
to 50.000,-m3
cubic meters of forest
Комментарий от: Yuri Khrushch, Август 2, 2011 в 12:06am
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