Benito Doolan
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Сен 7, 2023
Сообщение блога, созданное Benito Doolan

Are You Really Doing Enough Keto Snack?

The typical macronutrient ratio for a ketogenic diet is high fat (70-80% of calories), moderate protein (20-25% of calories), and low carbohydrate (5-10% of calories). These tend to have lengthy explanations of the ketogenic lifestyle and easy to make recipes. You’ll need just seven ingredients (most of which you may already have at home) - and it will be ready in 5 minutes or less. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Stir all ingredients to form a batter, shape into cookies, and bake on a…Посмотреть еще
Сен 7, 2023
Benito Doolan теперь участник Древторг Woodtrade
Сен 6, 2023

Блог Benito Doolan

Are You Really Doing Enough Keto Snack?

Разместил(а) Сентябрь 7, 2023 в 5:19am 0 Комментарии

The typical macronutrient ratio for a ketogenic diet is high fat (70-80% of calories), moderate protein (20-25% of calories), and low carbohydrate (5-10% of calories). These tend to have lengthy explanations of the ketogenic lifestyle and easy to make recipes. You’ll need just seven ingredients (most of which you may already have at home) - and it will be ready in 5 minutes or less. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Stir all ingredients to form a batter, shape into cookies, and bake on a…


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